Host Protein General Information (ID: PT0675)
  Protein Name
Non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA2)
  Gene Name
  Host Species
Homo sapiens
  Uniprot Entry Name
  Protein Families
Non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase family
  EC Number; 2.4.1.-; 3.2.1.-
  Subcellular Location
Golgi apparatus; endoplasmic reticulum
  External Link
Uniprot ID
Ensembl ID
  Function in Host
Non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase that catalyzes thehydrolysis of glucosylceramides/GlcCers (such as beta-D-glucosyl- (1<->1') -N-acylsphing-4-enine) to free glucose and ceramides (such asN-acylsphing-4-enine). GlcCers are membrane glycosphingolipids that have awide intracellular distribution. They are the mainprecursors of more complex glycosphingolipids that play a role incellular growth, differentiation, adhesion, signaling, cytoskeletaldynamics and membrane properties. Involved in thetransglucosylation of cholesterol, transfers glucose from GlcCer tocholesterol, thereby modifying its water solubility and biologicalproperties. Under specific conditions, may catalyzethe reverse reaction, transferring glucose from cholesteryl-3-beta-D-glucoside to ceramide (such as N-acylsphing-4-enine). Mayplay a role in the metabolism of bile acids. Able to hydrolyze bile acid 3-O-glucosides as well as to produce bile acid-glucose conjugates thanks toa bile acid glucosyl transferase activity. Catalyzes the hydrolysis ofgalactosylceramides/GalCers (such as beta-D-galactosyl- (1<->1') -N-acylsphing-4-enine), as well as the galactosyl transfer between GalCersand cholesterol in vitro with lower activity compared with theiractivity against GlcCers. [1-5]
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  Related KEGG Pathway
Metabolic pathways hsa01100            Pathway Map 
Other glycan degradation hsa00511            Pathway Map 
Sphingolipid metabolism hsa00600            Pathway Map 
  3D Structure

 Full List of Virus RNA Interacting with This Protien
            RNA Region: 3'-UTR (hCoV-19/Wuhan-Hu-1/2019 )
              RNA Region Details RNA Info Click to show the detail information of this RNA binding region [6]
              Strains Name
              Strains Family
Beta (B.1.351)
              RNA Binding Region
              Virus Name
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
              Infection Cells HEK293 Cells (Human embryonic kidney cell)  (CVCL_0045 )
              Cell Originated Tissue Liver
              Infection Time 48 h
              Interaction Score Prot score = 27
              Method Description RNA-protein interaction detection (RaPID) assay; liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

Differential Gene Expression During SARS-COV-2 Infection
GEO Accession: GSE152641
Sample Type: Blood
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 24; COVID-19: 62
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE162835
Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal Swabs
Samples Details: COVID-19 (Mild Symptoms): 37; COVID-19 (Moderate Symptoms): 10; COVID-19 (Severe Symptoms): 3
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE175779
Sample Type: Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 4 (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h); COVID-19: 4 (24, 48, 72 and 96 h)
Platform: GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500
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Protein Sequence Information
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1 Biochemical Characterization of the GBA2 Missense Mutation in Lymphoblastoid Cells from Patients with Spastic Ataxia. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Oct 10;19(10):3099.
2 Identification of the non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase as beta-glucosidase 2. J Biol Chem. 2007 Jan 12;282(2):1305-12.
3 Mutation of beta-glucosidase 2 causes glycolipid storage disease and impaired male fertility. J Clin Invest. 2006 Nov;116(11):2985-94.
4 Molecular cloning and expression of human bile acid beta-glucosidase. J Biol Chem. 2001 Oct 12;276(41):37929-33.
5 Purification and characterization of a microsomal bile acid beta-glucosidase from human liver. J Biol Chem. 1997 Apr 25;272(17):11261-7.
6 RNA-Protein Interaction Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 5 and 3 Untranslated Regions Reveals a Role of Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein-2a during Viral Infection. mSystems. 2021 Aug 31;6(4):e0064321.