Host Protein General Information (ID: PT0860)
  Protein Name
Calgranulin B (S100A9)
  Gene Name
  Host Species
Homo sapiens
  Uniprot Entry Name
  Protein Families
S-1.. family
  Subcellular Location
  External Link
Uniprot ID
Ensembl ID
  Function in Host
S100A9 is a calcium- and zinc-binding protein which plays aprominent role in the regulation of inflammatory processes and immuneresponse. Itcan induce neutrophil chemotaxis, adhesion, can increase thebactericidal activity of neutrophils by promoting phagocytosis viaactivation of SYK, PI3K/AKT, and ERK1/2 and can induce degranulation ofneutrophils by a MAPK-dependent mechanism. Predominantly found as calprotectin (S100A8/A9) which has a wide plethora of intra- and extracellularfunctions. Theintracellular functions include: facilitating leukocyte arachidonicacid trafficking and metabolism, modulation of the tubulin-dependentcytoskeleton during migration of phagocytes and activation of theneutrophilic NADPH-oxidase. Activates NADPH-oxidase by facilitating the enzyme complex assembly atthe cell membrane, transferring arachidonic acid, an essentialcofactor, to the enzyme complex and S100A8 contributes to the enzymeassembly by directly binding to NCF2/P67PHOX. The extracellular functions involve pro-inflammatory, antimicrobial, oxidant-scavenging and apoptosis-inducing activities. Its pro-inflammatory activityincludes recruitment of leukocytes, promotion of cytokine and chemokineproduction, and regulation of leukocyte adhesion and migration. Acts as an alarmin or a dangerassociated molecular pattern (DAMP) molecule and stimulates innateimmune cells via binding to pattern recognition receptors such as Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (AGER). Binding to TLR4 and AGER activates the MAP-kinase and NF-kappa-B signaling pathways resulting in the amplificationof the pro-inflammatory cascade. Hasantimicrobial activity towards bacteria and fungi and exerts itsantimicrobial activity probably via chelation of Zn (2+) which isessential for microbial growth. Can induce cell deathvia autophagy and apoptosis and this occurs through the cross-talk ofmitochondria and lysosomes via reactive oxygen species (ROS) and theprocess involves BNIP3. Can regulate neutrophilnumber and apoptosis by an anti-apoptotic effect; regulates cellsurvival via ITGAM/ITGB and TLR4 and a signaling mechanism involvingMEK-ERK. Its role as an oxidant scavenger has aprotective role in preventing exaggerated tissue damage by scavengingoxidants. Can act as a potentamplifier of inflammation in autoimmunity as well as in cancerdevelopment and tumor spread. Has transnitrosylaseactivity; in oxidatively-modified low-densitity lipoprotein (LDL (ox) ) -induced S-nitrosylation of GAPDH on 'Cys-247' proposed to transfer theNO moiety from NOS2/iNOS to GAPDH via its own S-nitrosylated Cys-3. The iNOS-S100A8/A9 transnitrosylase complex isproposed to also direct selective inflammatory stimulus-dependent S-nitrosylation of multiple targets such as ANXA5, EZR, MSN and VIM byrecognizing a [IL]-x-C-x-x-[DE] motif. [1-7]
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  Related KEGG Pathway
IL-17 signaling pathway hsa04657            Pathway Map 
  3D Structure

Function of This Protein During Virus Infection
Virus NameSARS-COV-2 Protein Function Anti-viral [8]
Infected TissueLung Infection Time7-9 Days
Infected CellCalu-3 Cells (Human epithelial cell line) Cellosaurus IDCVCL_0609 
Method DescriptionTo detect the role of host protein S100A9 in viral infection, S100A9 protein Knockdown Calu-3 Cells were infected with SARS-COV-2 for 7 - 9 Days , and the effects on infection was detected through CRISPR-based genome-wide gene-knockout screen.
ResultsIt is reported that knockout of S100A9 increases SARS-CoV-2 RNA levels compared with control group.

Host Protein - Virus RNA Network

 Full List of Virus RNA Interacting with This Protien
            RNA Region: 3'-UTR (hCoV-19/IPBCAMS-YL01/2020 )
              RNA Region Details RNA Info Click to show the detail information of this RNA binding region [9]
              Strains Name
              Strains Family
Beta (B.1.351)
              RNA Binding Region
              Virus Name
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
              Interaction Type Unlikely to be direct binder
              Infection Cells Huh7.5.1 cells (Hepatocyte derived cellular carcinoma cell)  (CVCL_E049 )
              Cell Originated Tissue Liver
              Infection Time 30 h
              Interaction Score MIST = 0.628063061
              Method Description comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by massspectrometry (ChIRP-MS)
           RNA Region: Not Specified Virus Region (hCoV-19/Not Specified Virus Strain )
              RNA Region Details RNA Info Click to show the detail information of this RNA binding region [10]
              Strains Name
hCoV-19/Not Specified Virus Strain
              RNA Binding Region
Not Specified Virus Region
              Virus Name
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
              Infection Cells Huh7 cells (liver carcinoma cell) Huh7 cells (liver carcinoma cell)  (CVCL_0336 )
              Cell Originated Tissue Liver
              Infection Time 24h
              Interaction Score log2FC = 9.62049E+14
              Method Description RNA antisense purification and quantitative mass spectrometry (RAP-MS); Tandem mass tag (TMT) labelling; liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS); Westernblot

Differential Gene Expression During SARS-COV-2 Infection
GEO Accession: GSE152641
Sample Type: Blood
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 24; COVID-19: 62
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE162835
Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal Swabs
Samples Details: COVID-19 (Mild Symptoms): 37; COVID-19 (Moderate Symptoms): 10; COVID-19 (Severe Symptoms): 3
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE175779
Sample Type: Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 4 (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h); COVID-19: 4 (24, 48, 72 and 96 h)
Platform: GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500
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Protein Sequence Information
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1 Damage-associated molecular pattern S100A9 increases bactericidal activity of human neutrophils by enhancing phagocytosis. J Immunol. 2011 Mar 15;186(6):3622-31.
2 Induction of neutrophil degranulation by S100A9 via a MAPK-dependent mechanism. J Leukoc Biol. 2010 May;87(5):905-14.
3 Calprotectin S100A9 calcium-binding loops I and II are essential for keratinocyte resistance to bacterial invasion. J Biol Chem. 2009 Mar 13;284(11):7078-90.
4 Regulation of S100A8/A9 (calprotectin) binding to tumor cells by zinc ion and its implication for apoptosis-inducing activity. Mediators Inflamm. 2005 Oct 24;2005(5):280-92.
5 MRP8 and MRP14 control microtubule reorganization during transendothelial migration of phagocytes. Blood. 2004 Dec 15;104(13):4260-8.
6 Proinflammatory activities of S100: proteins S100A8, S100A9, and S100A8/A9 induce neutrophil chemotaxis and adhesion. J Immunol. 2003 Mar 15;170(6):3233-42.
7 In vitro antimicrobial activity of the human neutrophil cytosolic S-100 protein complex, calprotectin, against Capnocytophaga sputigena. J Dent Res. 1993 Feb;72(2):517-23.
8 Genome-wide CRISPR screens identify GATA6 as a proviral host factor for SARS-CoV-2 via modulation of ACE2. Nat Commun. 2022 Apr 25;13(1):2237.
9 Comparison of viral RNA-host protein interactomes across pathogenic RNA viruses informs rapid antiviral drug discovery for SARS-CoV-2. Cell Res. 2022 Jan;32(1):9-23.
10 The SARS-CoV-2 RNA-protein interactome in infected human cells. Nat Microbiol. 2021 Mar;6(3):339-353.