Host Protein General Information (ID: PT1255)
  Protein Name
X-ray repair cross-complementing 5 (Ku80)
  Gene Name
  Host Species
Homo sapiens
  Uniprot Entry Name
  Protein Families
Ku8. family
  EC Number
  Subcellular Location
Nucleus; nucleolus Chromosome
  External Link
Uniprot ID
Ensembl ID
  Function in Host
Single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent helicase thatplays a key role in DNA non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) by recruitingDNA-PK to DNA. Required for double-strand break repair and V (D) Jrecombination. Also has a role in chromosome translocation. TheDNA helicase II complex binds preferentially to fork-like ends ofdouble-stranded DNA in a cell cycle-dependent manner. It works in the 3'-5' direction. During NHEJ, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer performs therecognition step: it recognizes and binds to the broken ends of the DNAand protects them from further resection. Binding to DNA maybe mediated by XRCC6. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer acts as regulatory subunit ofthe DNA-dependent protein kinase complex DNA-PK by increasing theaffinity of the catalytic subunit PRKDC to DNA by 100-fold. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer is probably involved instabilizing broken DNA ends and bringing them together. The assembly of theDNA-PK complex to DNA ends is required for the NHEJ ligation step. TheXRCC5-XRRC6 dimer probably also acts as a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphatelyase (5'-dRP lyase), by catalyzing the beta-elimination of the 5'deoxyribose-5-phosphate at an abasic site near double-strand breaks. XRCC5 probably acts as the catalytic subunit of 5'-dRP activity, and allows to 'clean' the termini of abasic sites, aclass of nucleotide damage commonly associated with strand breaks, before such broken ends can be joined. The XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer together with APEX1 acts as a negative regulator oftranscription. In association with NAA15, the XRCC5-XRRC6 dimer binds to the osteocalcin promoter and activates osteocalcinexpression. As part of the DNA-PK complex, involvedin the early steps of ribosome assembly by promoting the processing ofprecursor rRNA into mature 18S rRNA in the small-subunit processome. Binding to U3 small nucleolar RNA, recruits PRKDCand XRCC5/Ku86 to the small-subunit processome. Playsa role in the regulation of DNA virus-mediated innate immune responseby assembling into the HDP-RNP complex, a complex that serves as aplatform for IRF3 phosphorylation and subsequent innate immune responseactivation through the cGAS-STING pathway. [1-4]
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  Related KEGG Pathway
Non-homologous end-joining hsa03450            Pathway Map 
Non-homologous end-joining hsa03450            Pathway Map 
  3D Structure

Function of This Protein During Virus Infection
Virus NameSARS-COV-2 Protein Function Anti-viral [5]
Infected TissueLung Infection Time24 h
Infected CellA549 Cells (Adenocarcinomic Human alveolar basal epithelial cell) Cellosaurus IDCVCL_H249 
Method DescriptionTo detect the role of host protein XRCC5 in viral infection, XRCC5 A549 Cells SARS-COV-2 24 h qRT-PCR.
ResultsIt is reported that knockdown of XRCC5 increases the percent of infected cells 150% compared with control group.

Host Protein - Virus RNA Network

 Full List of Virus RNA Interacting with This Protien
            RNA Region: Not Specified Virus Region (hCoV-19/Not Specified Virus Strain )
              RNA Region Details RNA Info Click to show the detail information of this RNA binding region [6]
              Strains Name
hCoV-19/Not Specified Virus Strain
              RNA Binding Region
Not Specified Virus Region
              Virus Name
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
              Infection Cells Huh7 cells (liver carcinoma cell)  (CVCL_0336 )
              Cell Originated Tissue Liver
              Infection Time 24h
              Interaction Score log2FC = 1.68599E+14
              Method Description RNA antisense purification and quantitative mass spectrometry (RAP-MS); Tandem mass tag (TMT) labelling; liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS); Westernblot
           RNA Region: Not Specified Virus Region (hCoV-19/France/IDF-220-95/2020 )
              RNA Region Details RNA Info Click to show the detail information of this RNA binding region [5]
              Strains Name
              RNA Binding Region
Not Specified Virus Region
              Virus Name
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
              Interaction Type Direct interaction
              Infection Cells HEK293 Cells (Human embryonic kidney cell) HEK293 Cells (Human embryonic kidney cell)  (CVCL_0045 )
              Cell Originated Tissue Kidney
              Infection Time 48 h
              Interaction Score SAINT score ≥ 0.79
              Method Description comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by massspectrometry (ChIRP-MS)

Differential Gene Expression During SARS-COV-2 Infection
GEO Accession: GSE152641
Sample Type: Blood
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 24; COVID-19: 62
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE162835
Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal Swabs
Samples Details: COVID-19 (Mild Symptoms): 37; COVID-19 (Moderate Symptoms): 10; COVID-19 (Severe Symptoms): 3
Platform: GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000
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GEO Accession: GSE175779
Sample Type: Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells
Samples Details: Healthy Control: 4 (0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h); COVID-19: 4 (24, 48, 72 and 96 h)
Platform: GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500
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Protein Phosphorylation after Virus Infection
S191 [7]
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Protein Sequence Information
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1 Regulation of osteocalcin gene expression by a novel Ku antigen transcription factor complex. J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 4;277(40):37280-91.
2 Structure of the Ku heterodimer bound to DNA and its implications for double-strand break repair. Nature. 2001 Aug 9;412(6847):607-14.
3 The interaction between Ku antigen and REF1 protein mediates negative gene regulation by extracellular calcium. J Biol Chem. 1996 Apr 12;271(15):8593-8.
4 Human DNA helicase II: a novel DNA unwinding enzyme identified as the Ku autoantigen. EMBO J. 1994 Oct 17;13(20):4991-5001.
5 Characterization and functional interrogation of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA interactome. Cell Rep. 2022 Apr 26;39(4):110744.
6 The SARS-CoV-2 RNA-protein interactome in infected human cells. Nat Microbiol. 2021 Mar;6(3):339-353.
7 Multilevel proteomics reveals host perturbations by SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. Nature. 2021 Jun;594(7862):246-252.